If you've been looking to quit smoking for whatever reason, you are most likely in need of a good tip. A good stop smoking tip is not going to be hard for you. It almost seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people don't apply this tip to their lives. If you haven't been stumbling through different points in the process of quitting smoking, maybe this will help you along your way.
The good stop smoking tip we're giving you today is simply to get a friend, or spouse to help you stop smoking. This is going to be tough for some people, but it's important to get someone that can help you in your time of need. This really becomes a helpful idea if you live with a roommate that does not smoke, or have a spouse that does not smoke. When the cravings hit, they can really be a life line for you, they can calm you down without judging you and really provide a shoulder to lean on.
Now, you can get a person that wants to quit, and you two can help each other. However, you must find someone that is truly ready to quit and is not weak willed. If you can trust their urge to quit and can handle the bad moods, and so much more that will arise in the process, you two will not only form a stronger bond you'll finally kick the nicotine addiction once and for all. A good friend in a time of need is priceless.
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